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Chocolate Coconut Protein PowerCake Recipe

Todays Powercakes #Junepowermealaday was FAVORITE POWERCAKE! I've still not yet tried one of Kasey's Powercake recipes, but they all looks and sound delicious! I think I'm most intrigued because they remind me a lot of my beloved protein pancake recipes! So first thing this morning I went on PowerCakes blog and started searching for a recipe. I found several recipes that sounded amazing, but the Jamaican Me Crazy PowerCake really jumped out at me! I tweaked the recipe a little by adding my PlantFusion protein powder and instead of baking it I cooked it in the pan. After it was done, I topped it with almond butter. So technically it was not a REAL PowerCake, but more of a PowerCake spin-off. Regardless it was mouthwatering good!

I promise I will be trying a REAL PowerCake very soon, so stay tuned!

Do you have a favorite PowerCake? If so, which one?

Xoxo - Amber


