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Vlogtober Day 29 - Frankenstorm Watch 2012

Yesterday we spent most of the day inside as Frankenstorm aka Hurricane Sandy rolled into NYC. At first she didn't seem like much, there was barely a drizzle up near Chris's apartment in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, but as the day went on the rain came down harder and the wind picked up a bit. We watched a couple of movies, ate some naughty treats, drank coffee and stayed updated with the news. I also did some studying for school as yesterday was my very first day at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition! What a memorable first day of school that was!

I still wasn't impressed with this storm because as a native Floridian I've been through many hurricanes, that was until Chris and I decided to walk down to the banks of the East River. As we walked down 72nd street the winds became very strong and blew us around the sidewalk. We made it down to the water and noticed we weren't the only crazy New Yorkers out in the storm! The water had risen and was starting to wash over onto the walkway and within only 15 minutes the water was about a nearly a foot over the walkway and continued to rise. At one point several police cars pulled up on the FDR, which was closed due to the storm, and told everyone to go home. We figured we better head home but decided to make a quick video before heading back :)

This morning we woke up to go across the street and grab coffee and took a stroll back down to the East River banks. There were a lot of curious New Yorkers out and about. I imagine everyone was relieved to get out and get some fresh air after being stuck inside for the last 24+ hours. We saw several trees down but no noticeable building damage. The river was still higher than normal but had at least cleared from the walkway. We were really blessed to keep our power and stay safe throughout the storm.


My heart goes out to all of those who were affected in NYC and the surrounding states who are without power and who live in areas that are completely flooded. Also I my thoughts are with the families of the people who lost their lives yesterday. That is truly heartbreaking.


I wish everyone a safe day today and I hope that life will quickly return back to normal!


xoxo - Amber






Where you affected by Sandy? What did you do to pass time during the storm?