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Frankenweather Week 2, Clean Eating, #imagreatist Ambassador, Raising Money for Sandy Victims

The last couple weeks have been a little on the crazy side, first hurricane Sandy blew through New York and last night we were hit with a Nor'easter which brought heavy winds, 3 to 7 inches of snow and temps under 40 degrees! Brrrr!!

Besides all of the crazy weather, I'm about a week and half into my program at Integrative Nutrition. I'm trying to stay focused on my course work but it has been challenging since I haven't been in the comfort of my own home due to the subway by my house being closed since the storm hit. But regardless of location I am learning a lot and connecting with so many amazing students from all over the world as well as many in NY. I have scheduled a few study groups with some fellow students in Brooklyn and Manhattan and really looking forward to meeting them in person! One lovely gal in my class has been a follower of my facebook page for quite a while, so we feel as though we already know each other! You've gotta love social media!

During the first week of Sandy I was eating all kinds of junk food: Thai, Mexican, pizza, cookies, ect...definitely not anywhere near my normal diet as most of you know. I don't know why this keeps happening but I keep losing control! But since Monday I've gotten back on track (AGAIN), I'm eating a clean diet and feeling better. When I gain weight it goes directly to my stomach and arms, almost immediately after I eat bad food, it's nuts! I get so many complements on facebook from friends saying they don't notice the weight I've gained and that I am looking great, but they aren't the ones that have to see my big Buddha belly when my shirt is off. Ha! Since I'm back on my game with clean eating, my stomach is starting to go down again. I'm also back in the gym and lifting heavy, that always makes me feel great!

On Tuesday I received some amazing news, I was chosen to be a Greatist Ambassador! You will now start to see the #imagreatist hashtag on my twitter posts as I tweet my healthy lifestyle! I will blog more about my Ambassadorship this coming up week!

In the meantime these will help:

"Greatist. noun. [gray-tist] a person who makes healthier choices

Greatist Ambassador. super noun. [gray-tist- am-bass-a-door] a person who makes healthier choices and inspires others to do the same"

Here are a few photos I took yesterday when the storm first started blowing in! 20121108-113908.jpg


The Stella & Dot trunk show to raise money for Hurricane Sandy victims is still going on until Sunday! 10% of sales will be donated to help victims.

As you probably already know from watching the news this new storm has rolled into NY and all of the people who were already without water, power or heat are now in even worse off conditions because it is FREEZING here, so we are really trying to get the word out to and raise as much money as we can for them!

This is the perfect time to do a little holiday shopping while helping those who are living without.

Right now when you spend $50, any of the five pieces in the flyer above will be available for purchase at 50% off!

Once you have purchased $50 in retail product a banner will appear that you have qualified for the offer.


Here are a few of my favorite things From Stella & Dot...

La Folie Necklace $49 - Great for layering!

Suzanne Cocktail Ring $39

Vintage Stud Earrings $29 - So simple and beautiful!