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WIAW - A Week Worth of Paleo Breakfasts

Happy Wednesday everyone! It's been a long time since I've done a What I ate Wednesday post, so today I decided to post a weeks worth of the 21DSD approved breakfast plates I've been munching on! I realize that a lot of people get stuck when it come to breakfast and go for the easiest thing possible. But the fact is that breakfasts like these can be easy too as long as you plan and prepare. Most of the food below were cooked in the evenings. All of the roasted carrots and eggplant were roasted in the oven while I tidied up my apartment or did homework. The steak and steamed asparagus were left overs from dinner. The only things I had to cook in the morning was the eggs and cut up the avocado and tomato, both took only minutes. The bacon wrapped kale and egg cups were made the week before. I cooked them in the oven at night and ate two for breakfast each morning. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Back when I had a job which required me to wake up at 5am, I would cook egg, kale and beef bacon casserole ahead of time and quickly heat them up in the mornings. So there is no excuse for running out of the house with an empty stomach nor chowing down on bagels and muffins every morning! :)

week of paleo breakfast

20130116-113221.jpg2 whole eggs, portobello mushroom cap, steamed asparagus and sautéed cinnamon ginger carrots

20130116-113233.jpg2 whole eggs, 2 portobello mushroom caps, tomato and avocado

20130116-113241.jpg2 whole eggs over spicy sautéed onions, roasted eggplant, roasted cinnamon ginger carrots, avocado and tomato

20130116-113250.jpg2 whole eggs over spicy sauteed onions, 2.5oz london broil steak, avocado and tomato

20130116-113304.jpg2 whole eggs and 3 ingredient Paleo pumpkin pancakes topped with homemade almond butter

20130116-113317.jpg3 whole eggs, crispy bacon and roasted cinnamon ginger carrots

20130116-113401.jpgBacon wrapped kale and egg cups


Keep calm and eat breakfast!

What are your favorite breakfast dishes?


P.S. Wanna sneak peek into one of my 10-Day Detox programs that uses the elimination diet? Sign up to get my FREE 3-Day Detox and jump-start your weight loss now! 20140610-173717-63437369.jpg Let's connect on:



