Day One of Vlogtober!

Get your vlogging shoes on guys because today is the first day of the Vlogtober challenge! Molly of Miss Molly blog has created Vlogtober to help us bloggers break into the vlogging world.

She has three themed days and the other four are free days to get creative and vlog about whatever you want. I'm really excited about this challenge because I've needed a little push to start vlogging more frequently! The other reason I am so excited about this is I will be starting online classes at Integrative Nutrition on October 29th and I might not have as much time for blogging because I will be focusing on my school work. So instead of blogs you might see more vlogs since it take less time!

In Today's vlog I talk about my goals for this week!

October Goals: Week 1

  • Vlogtober - This week I want to vlog 4-5 times!
  • Cardio - I want to fit in 3 HIIT cardio days this week on top of the 4 days I weight train!
  • Workout on vacation - I want to get my workouts in while I am in Colorado this week visiting Chris's grandma!

These are my week one goals. What are your goals for this week? Let me know in the comments below!

xoxo - Amber