ExSoyCise's Interview with Jill Hanner

Today I am happy to share with you an interview with a fun, energetic and inspiring young lady who has ROCKED the vlogging world...I would like to introduce you the lovely and talented Ms. Jill Hanner!!
Jill is a fellow FitFluential Ambassador and has really been an inspiration for me since I leaped into the world of vlogging! If you haven't already, subscribe to her YouTube channel for awesome videos on delicious allergy friendly recipes, workouts, healthy tips and a good laugh!

How did you come to love the world of health and fitness?  
Growing up I was a gymnast and dancer, so I've been in and out of the gym my whole life. It wasn't until 2 years ago when I started to really push it hard and become a dedicated health and fitness freak. I loved how I felt after a workout and it became addicting.
What is a typical day of eating for you?
I tend to eat small meals through out the day. I keep to pretty basic foods. Protein, veggies, fruit and carbs. Breakfast is usually a vegan protein pancake I make. I snack on apples, protein shakes and carrots throughout the day. Lunch could include turkey and veggies or goat milk yogurt with fruit. Dinner is fish or chicken with veggies and the occasional sweet potato fries. I always end the night with some dark chocolate!!
What is your favorite healthy and naughty meal? How often do you have cheat or treat meals?
I don't believe in cheating but living your life in moderation. I have stomach issues so to me, I always think, is it really worth it to eat pizza? I crave pizza soooo much. But I know if I have it, I will get stomach pains. I love making stuffed chicken with spinach and goat cheese and stuffed mushrooms with the same filling. It's my favorite healthy meal. Not that this meal is naughty but I love chips, salsa and guacamole. Literally LOVE Chips! I would consider then my cheat meal and I have chips about every other weekend!!
Do you have any food allergies, intolerances, or foods you choose to avoid? If so what are they and what do you do to keep them out of your diet?
I have IBS and their trigger foods are anything with gluten, raw veggies, acidic vegetables/fruit, caffeine, alcohol and chocolate. I have cut out all gluten, grapefruit, eggplant, oranges and I always make sure to cook my vegetables. I have recently cut out eggs as they are high on my list of sensitivity. I can not give up caffeine, wine and chocolate. So I make sure that I regulate them.
What motivates you to stay healthy? What is your current workout program?

My motivation to stay healthy is that I love how I feel after a workout and I love that at 34 I can still kick butt in the gym like any 20 year old! I like to change things up, but I like to run, box, strength train, take fitness classes and try new things.

What has been your biggest personal fitness struggle?
I would say my biggest personal fitness struggle is not believing I can do something. Motivating myself to keep going is always a struggle. But I try to listen to my body and if I need to rest, I should rest! 
What is your top most rewarding experience since becoming a FitFluential Ambassador?
My most rewarding experience being a Fitfluential ambassador is meeting a whole new world of people like me. For instance we met at a Fitness Magazine event and I never knew how much we had in common and could relate to. I seriously love that!
What is going on with your amazing blog Jill Hanner now and what can we expect to see in the near future?
oooohhhh who knows!! :) Possibly seeing a lot more Vermont Peanut Butter in my future :)
Follow Jill on Facebook and Twitter!