3 Strong Women Who Prove You Need To Ditch The "I'm Older And Out Of Shape Mentality"

I hear it all the time from family and friends close to me (and I'm sure you do too) that they are older now and as a result, they are out of shape or can't move like they used to. While I do believe there are just some unavoidable things that could happen to us as we get older, I also STRONGLY believe in the power of prevention and doing everything we possibly can to keep our bodies running as efficiently as possible. 

There are so many health benefits to exercise at all ages such as:

  • weight loss and weight maintenance
  • boosting your mood so you stress less by increasing your serotonin levels which makes you happier
  • giving you more energy throughout the day
  • better sex by making you feel more confident and getting blood flowing in all the right places
  • helping you sleep better
  • preventing osteoporosis, bone thinning and fractures
  • better muscle mass which is especially important as we age because we start losing it in our 40's and 50's
  • decreasing your risk for disease
  • lowers high blood pressure which is a major factor for strokes

I just can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to soak these health benefits up!

In a recent article in the New York Times, it was reported that by the time we reach late middle-age, we start developing small holes in our brain's white matter which is what passes messages between different parts of the brain. This can cause issues with our thinking and our memory. But a new study on a large group of women between the ages of 65-75 suggests that weight training just twice a week may slow the age-related shrinking of some parts of the brain, slow down the development of the holes in the brain, and improve walking abilities. 

I don't know about you but I want to keep my memory and thinking intact for as long as I can and weight training only two times per week is a very small price to pay to extend it as long as possible. A good goal to shoot for when you are first getting started is to try to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day and working your way up from there. 

I know that saying the words "I want to get in shape and be healthier" is a lot easier than actually getting out there and doing it. So you really need to find what inspires you to get out there and make it happen. You have to find your WHY - a why that will make you cry and give you a reason to get out of bed each day to make this life the best it can possibly be!

Over the last several years, I have been inspired by some amazing women that I have been blessed to have crossed paths with.  I have known Sally my entire life as she has been my mom's best friend since high school - I like to call her my second momma. I met Jody and Lynda over the past 4+ years through being a Fitfluential Ambassador and while blogging my own health journey. They aren't your typical 20 something women that we see posted all over Pinterest. These women are strong and unstoppable, they have proved to me that age is no reason to stop aspiring to achieve your health goals and definitely not a reason to start making excuses about aging. 

3 Strong Women Who Prove You Need To Ditch The "I'm Older And Out Of Shape Mentality"

So I asked these 3 amazing women: "Why is it important for you to be fit, healthy and strong as you age?"

These stories are about women but staying active as we age is important for men and women both. I hope their stories inspire you as much as they have for me!

Sally Farr, Jacksonville, FL

At 47 both my parents had health issues and moved into my home, my dad had a major stroke, paralyzed on one side and unable to walk or talk, dementia and TIA's had taken over my mom as well. At this time I had a 13 and 16 year old and a business. It was difficult to cope with the stress. My mom and dad passed away 11 months apart (I took care of them with the help of my husband) for a year. I could see my future with the genes I have been dealt. I was very skinny at that time (110, size 0), and then the weight started, menopause kicked in too, hot flashes, night sweats, fat around my tummy, I was up to 129(size 10) in no time.

Sally Farr, Jacksonville, FL

 In March 2007  I had a TIA (mini stroke) my genes had caught up with me(high blood pressure) this was a wake up call. I started walking again with a very good friend Carrie, from March to Oct 2007 we trained for a marathon for my 50th birthday, we went on to do several 1/2 marathons, I was down to 114. I just looked skinny, yuck...So I started classes at the gym, weight classes, yoga, kick boxing. My body didn't change much, but then I was given a chance of a lifetime. Don Brower(former body builder) asked me if I wanted him to help me gain muscle as he knew I ate well. He had never professionally trained anyone because he said most people do not listen and end up quitting and that was a reflection on him. I'm now in my 3rd year training with him and the changes have been amazing! I am extremely healthy now, I can do things most 20 year olds can't do. I am more active than ever, I feel like I'm 17, the confidence and positive attitude that I have gained has really helped me come out of my shell I was in way too long. I have some bad genes I will be fighting and I have chose to fight them with clean food and exercise instead of prescription drugs and I am succeeding. I am 58 years old and proud of it. Please DON'T ever think you are too old, I simply started by walking at 49, then walking distance, classes at the gym and I will always train with weights, It has changed my life and health, mentally and physically. Thanksto Don Brower for pushing me and believing in me to do what I thought was impossible to a body that started lifting at 55 years old.

Who knows maybe at 60 I will compete, I'm a bit stage shy. But, one thing for sure I will lift, eat clean and stay super active because life is good, I sat on the couch long enough! A friend of mine recently told me he heard this in a movie...

"We can get busy living or get busy dying!!"

It is a choice, I chose happy and healthy living!!

Sally Farr, Jacksonville, FL 

Jody Goldenfield, Truth2BeingFit
Jody Goldenfield, Truth2BeingFit


I will be 58 next month. Besides the fact that I fell in love with weightlifting & health in my 20's, going through all the years doing this really made me aware how important it is to be healthy & strong as we get older. You just do not know it until you get there. The body changes so much in the 40's & especially 50's! Women are going to have to realize they need to be fitter & healthier to make it through the hormone change in tact! 😊

For me it was about being able to care for myself, do things for myself as I got older, play with my grandchildren & be around for their weddings. I did not want to have to have others care for me as I got older. I want to be able to take care of myself for many more years to come! The best person you can take care of is YOU! If you take care of you, you are a better person for all those around you!

Jody Goldenfield, Truth2BeingFit

Lynda Benson, Fitness Mom Wine Country

I have always had a passion for fitness.  I was not really an athlete in school {unless you count cheerleading}, but I became interested in running in my twenties.  I always belonged to a gym, I took classes, watched what I ate and just took care of myself. I loved doing anything that had cardio and weight training.  I think because I am short, I would worry more about weight than if I were taller. I have always continued staying on track.  I have done Yoga, Pilates, Spin Cycle, Weight Training. 

Lynda Benson, Fitness Mom Wine Country

I have had three children, they are now 25, 15 and 13.  To be honest, my body handled pregnancy well.  Never any stretch marks, and not much weight gain.  I maintained an active and fit lifestyle throughout all three pregnancies.  I loved so much my cravings, but really wanted to stay in tune with my body and keep healthy.  I wanted to be able to bounce back once having the kids and being fit, helped me accomplish that.

I just turned 48 this past August.  I thought the 40's were going to have me bummed out.  This is so cliche, but the 40's are amazing!  Seriously, I have never felt so great.  No joke, I feel amazing and I think I look better as I get older, which has me baffled.  A combination of clean eating, a healthy diet {moderation with treats}, lots of water and exercise is always key to my lifestyle at this age.  Good habits are not only great for my body, but my skin also.  I care about that just as much.  Hydrating all day everyday is so very important.  I have just made it a habit to make sure I am taking in water all day long. 

Running is my passion that I have picked back up again in the last two years.  I am working on my 6th half marathon now {this weekend} and have another next month.  That along with regular Pure Barre classes, keeps me strong all over and fit.  Slipping into a pair of jeans without having to squat and stretch them on to my body, is awesome!  I love the feeling of just getting dressed and not fighting to fit into something.  I recall recently my mother telling me that I was no longer in my 20's {she wanted to remind me of this with all my running}, it threw me a bit and had me responding something like this ... "I realize I am no longer young, however I plan on keeping myself as young as I can and running is doing just that".  Until my body says no more and I can't do it, then I don't intend to stop anytime soon.  It is okay to be older women now and have fitness goals and regimens, we don't need to stop and "grow old".  I believe in embracing my age and I am actually looking forward to the journey my 50's will have.  

Staying fit as I age is just something I chose to do, it makes me happy.  I love feeling great.  I love being a role model for my kids.  I love being the "younger" older mom.  I love that I can keep up with them and have the energy to be active with them.

Lynda Benson, Fitness Mom Wine Country 

"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. You see, success, doesn’t just suddenly occur one day in someone’s life. For that matter, neither does failure. Each is a process. Every day of your life is merely preparation for the next. What you become is the result of what you do today."

-John C Maxwell

Amber Hale, health coach





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